Kat Beeton
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Constantly busy but still not enough Collecting jobs like stamps that reach out from the page and drain you Not for wealth but to keep food in their bellies and shoes on their feet Using all my energy just to pay for energy And cheap food that costs more than a wealthy cupboard’s did last year I did it all for a better life and now I do it for a roof Again Back to where I was before, more successful they say I climbed that ladder with bloody fingers, aspiration strapped to my back But I’m just as broke and tired today as I was back then I had money to spend last year when I was less than I am now Now the world took a step back while I stepped out And here I am behind the finish line they keep moving Glaring at me from the goal they were born into Telling me I’m still not running fast enough I need to sit down but how far will it move without me?
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